Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The First Baseball Game EVER!

As announced by Harry Caray (Comedian, Dan St. Paul on the Bob and Tom Show)...

Jesus Dubbed 4: "There is no hope..."

You can't get into heaven playing board games!

Jesus Dubbed 3: "Time for me to tell you what you all did wrong..."

Jesus calls the disciples out...

Jesus Dubbed 1

Someone dubbed a bunch of 1970's Jesus videos for our amusement. Jesus had to have a good sense of humor to get a bunch of fishermen and tax collectors to follow him...

Is Social Media a Fad?

This video was compiled as an ad for a book by Erik Qualman, but the statistics are accurate and mind-blowing.

Bambi vs. Godzilla

Baby got Book

This is an excellent parody of Baby got Book...

Why don't some people go to church?

Why don't people go to church? Here are some reasons...

What if Starbucks marketed like the Church?

Someone clever poses the question, "What would Starbucks be like if it marketed as badly as we do in the Church?"


From The Fund for Theological Education:

Vocation 101: What Do You Mean by Vocation? from FTE on Vimeo.